Then He decorated the heavens
with the stars and the light of the meteors and set the shining sun and the bright moon in an orbit that rolls around. |
(Sermon 1)
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
the moon
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Percentage (%)
Percentage is per-cent which means parts per hundred.
One percent is equal to 1/100 fraction:
It is written to the right side of the number: 50%
1 percent represents 1/100 fraction.
100 percent (100%) of a number is the same number:
One percent is equal to 1/100 fraction:
1% = 1/100 = 0.01
Ten percent is equal to 10/100 fraction:
10% = 10/100 = 0.1
Fifty percent is equal to 50/100 fraction:
50% = 50/100 = 0.5
One hundred percent is equal to 100/100 fraction:
100% = 100/100 = 1
One hundred and ten percent is equal to 110/100 fraction:
110% = 110/100 = 1.1
Percent sign
The percent sign is the symbol: %It is written to the right side of the number: 50%
Percentage Definition
Percentage is a value that represents the proportion of one number to another number.1 percent represents 1/100 fraction.
100 percent (100%) of a number is the same number:
100% × 80 = 100/100×80 = 80
50 percent (50%) of a number is half of the number:
50% × 80 = 50/100×80 = 40
So 40 is 50% of 80.Percentage of a Value Calculation
x% of y is calculated by the formula:
percentage value = x% × y = x × y / 100
Find 40% of 200.
40% × 200 = 40 × 200 / 100 = 80
Percentage Calculation
The percentage of x from y, is calculated by the formula:
percentage% = (x / y) × 100
The percentage of 30 out of 60.
30 / 60 × 100 = 50%
Percentage Change (increase/decrease)
Percentage change from x1 to x2 is calculated by the formula:
percentage change = 100 × (x2 - x1) /
When the result is positive, we have percentage growth or increase.Example:
Percentage change from 60 to 80.
100 × (80 - 60) / 60 = 33.33% increase
When the result is negative, we have percentage decrease.Example:
Percentage change from 80 to 60.
100 × (60 - 80) / 80 = -25% decrease
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
the winds
He brought out the creation
by His power and made the winds blow With His compassion. |
(Sermon 1)
Friday, 15 June 2012
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions (Beginning with B)
- Babe in arms
- A babe in arms is a very young child, or a person who is very young to be holding a position.
- Babe in the woods
- A babe in the woods is a naive, defenceless, young person.
- Baby boomer
- (USA) A baby boomer is someone born in the years after the end of the Second World War, a period when the population was growing very fast.
- Back burner
- If an issue is on the back burner, it is being given low priority.
- Back foot
- (UK) If you are on your back foot, you are at a disadvantage and forced to be defensive of your position.
- Back number
- Something that's a back number is dated or out of fashion.
- Back the wrong horse
- If you back the wrong horse, you give your support to the losing side in something.
- Back to back
- If things happen back to back, they are directly one after another.
- Back to square one
- If you are back to square one, you have to start from the beginning again.
- Back to the drawing board
- If you have to go back to the drawing board, you have to go back to the beginning and start something again.
- Back to the salt mines
- If someone says they have to go back to the salt mines, they have to return, possibly unwillingly, to work.
- Back to the wall
- If you have your back to the wall, you are in a difficult situation with very little room for manoeuvre.
- Backseat driver
- A backseat driver is an annoying person who is fond of giving advice to the person performing a task or doing something, especially when the advice is either wrong or unwelcome.
- Bad Apple
- A person who is bad and makes other bad is a bad apple.
- Bad blood
- If people feel hate because of things that happened in the past, there is bad blood between them.
- Bad egg
- A person who cannot be trusted is a bad egg. Good egg is the opposite.
- Bad hair day
- If you're having a bad hair day, things are not going the way you would like or had planned.
- Bad mouth
- (UK) When you are bad mouthing,you are saying negative things about someone or something.('Bad-mouth' and 'badmouth' are also used.)
- Bad shape
- If something's in bad shape, it's in bad condition. If a person's in bad shape, they are unfit or unhealthy.
- Bad taste in your mouth
- If something leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, you feel there is something wrong or bad about it.
- Bad workers always blame their tools
- "A bad worker always blames their tools" - If somebody does a job badly or loses in a game and claims that they were let down by their equipment, you can use this to imply that this was not the case.
- Bag and baggage
- Bag and baggage means all your possessions, especially if you are moving them or leaving a place.
- Bag of bones
- If someone is a bag of bones, they are very underweight.
- Bag of nerves
- If someone is a bag of nerves, they are very worried or nervous.
- Baker's dozen
- A Baker's dozen is 13 rather than 12.
- Bald as a coot
- A person who is completely bald is as bald as a coot.
- Ball is in your court
- If the ball is in your court, it is up to you to make the next decision or step.
- Balloon goes up
- When the balloon goes up, a situation turns unpleasant or serious.
- Ballpark figure
- A ballpark figure is a rough or approximate number (guesstimate) to give a general idea of something, like a rough estimate for a cost, etc.
- Balls to the walls
- (USA) If you do something balls to the wall, you apply full acceleration or exertion.
- Banana republic
- Banana republic is a term used for small countries that are dependent on a single crop or resource and governed badly by a corrupt elite.
- Banana skin
- (UK) A banana skin is something that is an embarrassment or causes problems.
- Bandit territory
- An area or an industry, profession, etc, where rules and laws are ignored or flouted is bandit territory.
- Baptism of fire
- A baptism of fire was a soldier's first experience of shooting. Any unpleasant experience undergone, usually where it is also a learning experience, is a baptism of fire.
- Bar fly
- A bar fly is a person who spends a lot of time drinking in different bars and pubs.
- Bare your heart
- If you bare your heart to someone, you tell them your personal and private feelings. ('Bare your soul' is an alternative form of the idiom.)
- Barefaced liar
- A barefaced liar is one who displays no shame about lying even if they are exposed.
- Bark is worse than their bite
- Someone who's bark is worse than their bite may well get angry and shout, but doesn't take action.
- Barking up the wrong tree
- If you are barking up the wrong tree, it means that you have completely misunderstood something or are totally wrong.
- Barkus is willing
- This idiom means that someone is willing to get married.
- Barrack-room lawyer
- (UK) A barrack-room lawyer is a person who gives opinions on things they are not qualified to speak about.
- Barrel of laughs
- If someone's a barrel of laughs, they are always joking and you find them funny.
- Basket case
- If something is a basket case, it is so bad that it cannot be helped.
- Bat an eyelid
- If someone doesn't bat an eyelid, they don't react or show any emotion when surprised, shocked, etc.
- Bated breath
- If someone says they're waiting with bated breath, they're very excited and find it difficult to be patient.('Baited breath' is a common mistake.)
- Bats in the belfry
- Someone with bats in the belfry is crazy or eccentric.
- Batten down the hatches
- If you batten down the hatches, you prepare for the worst that could happen to you.
- Batting a thousand
- (USA) (from baseball) It means to do something perfectly.
- Battle of nerves
- A battle of nerves is a situation where neither side in a conflict or dispute is willing to back down and is waiting for the other side to weaken. ('A war of nerves' is an alternative form.)
- Be all ears
- If you are all ears, you are very eager to hear what someone has to say.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Multiplication Crossword (to x12)
Complete the crossword puzzle by answering the multiplication questions below.
Across | Down | ||
1. 11 x 12 = | 2. 3 x 12 = | 14. 8 x 9 = | |
3. 12 x 7 = | 3. 9 x 9 = | 16. 5 x 5 = | |
6. 4 x 11 = | 4. 12 x 12 = | ||
7. 11 x 11 = | 5. 2 x 11 = | ||
11. 12 x 10 = | 8. 10 x 11 = | ||
12. 12 x 5 = | 9. 12 x 9 = | ||
15. 6 x 12 = | 10. 8 x 12 = | ||
17. 4 x 12 = | 13. 8 x 11 = |
Monday, 11 June 2012
the earth
He created the earth and
suspended it, retained it without support, made it stand without legs, and raised it without pillars. |
(Sermon 185)
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Long ago, there lived a crooked jackal named 'Sam' in a forest. He had no
friends as he behaved like a crooked animal. Even animal of his gene like fox,
dog, wolf did not mingle with him. They all avoided the jackal.
During the night, he terrorized other animals in the forest by howling loudly. In the calm, serene atmosphere the howling of 'Sam' became a nuisance. The little animals used to carve into their burrows as soon as the jackal produces the ugly sound. It was pure sadism, which followed the wicked animal. 'No, other animal in this jungle can howl louder than me, my mere voice will horrify all other animals', he added.
The harassment of the jackal continued un-abated. Unfortunately, none of the animals in the forest dared to ask 'Sam' to stop this menace. The pressure tactics of the jackal, to bewilder the animals, took a quiver turn one day. He got a mask of the giant animal dinosaur, left out by a group of tourists. After adorning the mask, the jackal shouted at other animals, 'Look, now onwards I am a dinosaur, with the strength and courage, I can sabotage the entire universe'. I will walk always wearing this mask, he announced.
The little animals shivered and frightened. They could not withstand the extent of damage to be caused by a dinosaur. The 'Sam' ruled the jungle like a king adorning the mask of a dinosaur. Days passed, One day the jackal in an inebriated condition traveled to the remote corner of the forest. He was alone. He could not howl, suddenly a huge rock like creature came in front of him. The jackal could not believe his eyes. It was a dinosaur. He was not at all a match for the real dinosaur. He had heard about these giant animals, which lived on the earth, centuries ago. Sam tried to howl loudly for help, but was in vain. The real dinosaur crushed the jackal under his feet and walked away.
During the night, he terrorized other animals in the forest by howling loudly. In the calm, serene atmosphere the howling of 'Sam' became a nuisance. The little animals used to carve into their burrows as soon as the jackal produces the ugly sound. It was pure sadism, which followed the wicked animal. 'No, other animal in this jungle can howl louder than me, my mere voice will horrify all other animals', he added.
The harassment of the jackal continued un-abated. Unfortunately, none of the animals in the forest dared to ask 'Sam' to stop this menace. The pressure tactics of the jackal, to bewilder the animals, took a quiver turn one day. He got a mask of the giant animal dinosaur, left out by a group of tourists. After adorning the mask, the jackal shouted at other animals, 'Look, now onwards I am a dinosaur, with the strength and courage, I can sabotage the entire universe'. I will walk always wearing this mask, he announced.
The little animals shivered and frightened. They could not withstand the extent of damage to be caused by a dinosaur. The 'Sam' ruled the jungle like a king adorning the mask of a dinosaur. Days passed, One day the jackal in an inebriated condition traveled to the remote corner of the forest. He was alone. He could not howl, suddenly a huge rock like creature came in front of him. The jackal could not believe his eyes. It was a dinosaur. He was not at all a match for the real dinosaur. He had heard about these giant animals, which lived on the earth, centuries ago. Sam tried to howl loudly for help, but was in vain. The real dinosaur crushed the jackal under his feet and walked away.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Father in Many Languages Word Search Puzzle
T | I | I | M | E | M | A | D | A | D | G | A | Z | I | N |
E | R | A | E | P | R | O | R | T | E | D | F | I | N | T |
W | O | P | T | E | R | E | P | H | O | A | U | S | A | N |
D | A | F | T | N | D | F | A | O | D | U | V | A | T | I |
R | T | A | H | A | T | A | T | E | C | C | O | V | R | D |
I | P | T | N | G | T | O | R | A | S | P | P | A | P | A |
I | K | H | E | O | J | C | I | E | C | T | V | T | S | U |
R | V | E | E | Y | T | W | S | E | I | N | T | E | Y | T |
W | O | R | P | E | R | C | E | N | S | T | O | R | F | F |
A | A | T | H | E | R | A | S | P | A | P | P | A | W | I |
F | T | H | W | P | O | D | R | K | I | O | N | G | W | I |
V | E | S | W | E | A | A | R | E | S | P | T | P | O | P |
A | Y | A | T | D | H | D | O | M | E | P | P | R | I | M |
A | R | Y | D | C | A | R | R | E | D | A | V | E | G | I |
V | E | Y | R | S | T | O | T | E | H | E | K | I | D | S |
DAD | PAPA | |
FAR | PERE | |
Friday, 8 June 2012
Can Two People have Identical Fingerprints?
By Ritu Asthana; Illustration by Anup Singh
I was once watching a detective serial on T.V. where the
fingerprints of the suspect are required. The hero invites the villain
to his home and offers him a glass of water. The bad guy takes the glass
and drinks the water from it. After he leaves the hero dramatically
whips out a handkerchief and picks up the glass. His expressions showed
that satisfaction at a job well done.
My dad explained that if you were to press your thumb on an inkpad and then on a sheet of white paper you will leave a smudge or print, which no one else in the world can make. The same would be true for each of your fingers. The Chinese were the first to use fingerprints to affix their signature on important documents though they had no way of identifying or matching it with the owner.
If you look closely at the inside of your palm you can see tiny lines all over. These are absolutely unique and they remain practically unchanged from birth to death.
Each print is one-of-a-kind and no two people have the same characteristic. Scientists and criminologists (those who study criminal characteristics) determine the individuality of a fingerprint by a careful study of its ridge characteristics (minutiae) and not by its general shape or pattern.
The surface of the skin has been designed to provide our bodies with a firm grasp and to prevent objects grasped from slipping. Skin is composed of layers of cells. The outer portion of skin is called the epidermis while the inner skin is the dermis. Separating the two layers is a boundary of cells called the papillae.
Each skin ridge has a single row of pores that open out for the sweat glands. Once the finger touches a surface, sweat from these pores, along with other body oils layer the ridge of the skin and are thus transferred to that surface. The result is an impression of the finger's ridge pattern. Such prints are referred to as hidden fingerprints because they are invisible to the naked eye.
How this fact was discovered and now used by the police force worldwide is very interesting to trace. In 1823, John Evangelist Purkinji, a professor of anatomy at the University of Breslau in Czechoslovakia, published the first document on the nature of fingerprints.
In 1856, Sir William Herschel, who was then working for the Indian Civil Service in West Bengal, used thumbprints on documents as a substitute for signatures. In 1880, a British physician Henry Faulds, who was then working in Tokyo, published a paper suggesting that fingerprints left at the scene of a crime could identify the offender. However, Faulds never got the credit he deserved!
In 1892, an English scientist, Sir Francis Galton, published a comprehensive book on using fingerprints to solve crimes. At the same time in Argentina, a police researcher Juan Vucetich was also working towards a fingerprint classification system.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Math symbols
Basic Math Symbols |
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
= | equals sign | equality | 5 = 2+3 |
≠ | not equal sign | inequality | 5 ≠ 4 |
> | strict inequality | greater than | 5 > 4 |
< | strict inequality | less than | 4 < 5 |
≥ | inequality | greater than or equal to | 5 ≥ 4 |
≤ | inequality | less than or equal to | 4 ≤ 5 |
( ) | parentheses | calculate expression inside first | 2 × (3+5) = 16 |
[ ] | brackets | calculate expression inside first | [(1+2)*(1+5)] = 18 |
+ | plus sign | addition | 1 + 1 = 2 |
− | minus sign | subtraction | 2 − 1 = 1 |
± | plus - minus | both plus and minus operations | 3 ± 5 = 8 and -2 |
∓ | minus - plus | both minus and plus operations | 3 ∓ 5 = -2 and 8 |
* | asterisk | multiplication | 2 * 3 = 6 |
× | times sign | multiplication | 2 × 3 = 6 |
∙ | multiplication dot | multiplication | 2 ∙ 3 = 6 |
÷ | division sign / obelus | division | 6 ÷ 2 = 3 |
/ | division slash | division | 6 / 2 = 3 |
– | horizontal line | division / fraction |
mod | modulo | remainder calculation | 7 mod 2 = 1 |
. | period | decimal point, decimal separator | 2.56 = 2+56/100 |
a b | power | exponent | 23 = 8 |
a^b | caret | exponent | 2 ^ 3 = 8 |
√a | square root |
· √a =
√9 = ±3 |
3√a | cube root | 3√8 = 2 | |
4√a | forth root | 4√16 = ±2 | |
n√a | n-th root (radical) | for n=3, n√8 = 2 | |
% | percent | 1% = 1/100 | 10% × 30 = 3 |
‰ | per-mille | 1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1% | 10‰ × 30 = 0.3 |
ppm | per-million | 1ppm = 1/1000000 | 10ppm × 30 = 0.0003 |
ppb | per-billion | 1ppb = 1/1000000000 | 10ppb × 30 = 3×10-7 |
ppt | per-trillion | 1ppb = 10-12 | 10ppb × 30 = 3×10-10 |
Geometry symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
∠ | angle | formed by two rays |
∠ABC = 30º
∡ | measured angle | ∡ABC = 30º | |
∢ | spherical angle | ∢AOB = 30º | |
∟ | right angle | = 90º | α = 90º |
º | degree | 1 turn = 360º | α = 60º |
´ | arcminute | 1º = 60´ | α = 60º59' |
´´ | arcsecond | 1´ = 60´´ | α = 60º59'59'' |
AB | line | line from point A to point B | |
ray | line that start from point A | |
| | perpendicular | perpendicular lines (90º angle) | AC | BC |
|| | parallel | parallel lines | AB || CD |
≅ | congruent to | equivalence of geometric shapes and size | ∆ABC ≅ ∆XYZ |
~ | similarity | same shapes, not same size | ∆ABC ~ ∆XYZ |
Δ | triangle | triangle shape | ΔABC ≅ ΔBCD |
| x-y | | distance | distance between points x and y | | x-y | = 5 |
π | pi constant | π = 3.141592654... is the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle | c = π·d = 2·π·r |
rad | radians | radians angle unit | 360º = 2π rad |
grad | grads | grads angle unit | 360º = 400 grad |
Algebra symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
x | x variable | unknown value to find | when 2x = 4, then x = 2 |
≡ | equivalence | identical to | |
≜ | equal by definition | equal by definition | |
:= | equal by definition | equal by definition | |
~ | approximately equal | weak approximation | 11 ~ 10 |
≈ | approximately equal | approximation | sin(0.01) ≈ 0.01 |
∝ | proportional to | proportional to |
∝ g(x)
∞ | lemniscate | infinity symbol | |
≪ | much less than | much less than | 1 ≪ 1000000 |
≫ | much greater than | much greater than | 1000000 ≫ 1 |
( ) | parentheses | calculate expression inside first | 2 * (3+5) = 16 |
[ ] | brackets | calculate expression inside first | [(1+2)*(1+5)] = 18 |
{ } | braces | set | |
⌊x⌋ | floor brackets | rounds number to lower integer | ⌊4.3⌋= 4 |
⌈x⌉ | ceiling brackets | rounds number to upper integer | ⌈4.3⌉= 5 |
x! | exclamation mark | factorial | 4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24 |
| x | | single vertical bar | absolute value | | -5 | = 5 |
f (x) | function of x | maps values of x to f(x) | f (x) = 3x+5 |
(f ∘g) | function composition |
∘g) (x)
= f (g(x))
f (x)=3x, g(x)=x-1 ⇒(f ∘g)(x)=3(x-1) |
(a,b) | open interval | (a,b) ≜ {x | a < x < b} | x ∈ (2,6) |
[a,b] | closed interval | [a,b] ≜ {x | a ≤ x ≤ b} | x ∈ [2,6] |
∆ | delta | change / difference | ∆t = t1 - t0 |
∆ | discriminant | Δ = b2 - 4ac | |
∑ | sigma | summation - sum of all values in range of series | ∑ xi= x1+x2+...+xn |
∑∑ | sigma | double summation |
∏ | capital pi | product - product of all values in range of series | ∏ xi=x1∙x2∙...∙xn |
e | e constant / Euler's number | e = 2.718281828... | e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞ |
γ | Euler-Mascheroni constant | γ = 0.527721566... | |
φ | golden ratio | golden ratio constant |
Linear Algebra Symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
∙ | dot | scalar product | a ∙ b |
× | cross | vector product | a × b |
A⊗B | tensor product | tensor product of A and B | A ⊗ B |
inner product | ||
[ ] | brackets | matrix of numbers | |
( ) | parentheses | matrix of numbers | |
| A | | determinant | determinant of matrix A | |
det(A) | determinant | determinant of matrix A | |
|| x || | double vertical bars | norm | |
A T | transpose | matrix transpose |
(AT)ij =
A † | Hermitian matrix | matrix conjugate transpose |
(A†)ij =
A * | Hermitian matrix | matrix conjugate transpose |
(A*)ij =
A -1 | inverse matrix | A A-1 = I | |
rank(A) | matrix rank | rank of matrix A |
rank(A) = 3
dim(U) | dimension | dimension of matrix A |
rank(U) = 3
Probability and statistics symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
P(A) | probability function | probability of event A | P(A) = 0.5 |
P(A ∩ B) | probability of events intersection | probability that of events A and B | P(A∩B) = 0.5 |
P(A ∪ B) | probability of events union | probability that of events A or B | P(A∪B) = 0.5 |
P(A | B) | conditional probability function | probability of event A given event B occured | P(A | B) = 0.3 |
f (x) | probability density function (pdf) | P(a ≤ x ≤ b) = ∫ f (x) dx | |
F(x) | cumulative distribution function (cdf) | F(x) = P(X ≤ x) | |
μ | population mean | mean of population values | μ = 10 |
E(X) | expectation value | expected value of random variable X | E(X) = 10 |
E(X | Y) | conditional expectation | expected value of random variable X given Y | E(X | Y=2) = 5 |
var(X) | variance | variance of random variable X | var(X) = 4 |
σ2 | variance | variance of population values | σ2 = 4 |
std(X) | standard deviation | standard deviation of random variable X | std(X) = 2 |
σX | standard deviation | standard deviation value of random variable X | σX = 2 |
median | middle value of random variable x |
cov(X,Y) | covariance | covariance of random variables X and Y | cov(X,Y) = 4 |
corr(X,Y) | correlation | correlation of random variables X and Y | corr(X,Y) = 3 |
ρX,Y | correlation | correlation of random variables X and Y | ρX,Y = 3 |
∑ | summation | summation - sum of all values in range of series |
∑∑ | double summation | double summation |
Mo | mode | value that occurs most frequently in population | |
MR | mid-range |
MR = (xmax+xmin)/2
Md | sample median | half the population is below this value | |
Q1 | lower / first quartile | 25% of population are below this value | |
Q2 | median / second quartile | 50% of population are below this value = median of samples | |
Q3 | upper / third quartile | 75% of population are below this value | |
x | sample mean | average / arithmetic mean | x = (2+5+9) / 3 = 5.333 |
s 2 | sample variance | population samples variance estimator | s 2 = 4 |
s | sample standard deviation | population samples standard deviation estimator | s = 2 |
zx | standard score |
zx = (x-x)
/ sx
X ~ | distribution of X | distribution of random variable X | X ~ N(0,3) |
N(μ,σ2) | normal distribution | gaussian distribution | X ~ N(0,3) |
U(a,b) | uniform distribution | equal probability in range a,b | X ~ U(0,3) |
exp(λ) | exponential distribution | f (x) = λe-λx , x≥0 | |
gamma(c, λ) | gamma distribution |
f (x) = λ c xc-1e-λx
/ Γ(c), x≥0
χ 2(k) | chi-square distribution |
f (x) = xk/2-1e-x/2
/ ( 2k/2 Γ(k/2) )
F (k1, k2) | F distribution | ||
Bin(n,p) | binomial distribution |
f (k) = nCk
Poisson(λ) | Poisson distribution |
f (k) = λke-λ
/ k!
Geom(p) | geometric distribution |
f (k) = p
(1-p) k
HG(N,K,n) | hyper-geometric distribution | ||
Bern(p) | Bernoulli distribution |
Combinatorics Symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
n! | factorial | n! = 1·2·3·...·n | 5! = 1·2·3·4·5 = 120 |
nPk | permutation |
5P3 = 5! / (5-3)! = 60 |
nCk |
combination |
5C3 = 5!/[3!(5-3)!]=10 |
Set theory symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
{ } | set | a collection of elements | A={3,7,9,14}, B={9,14,28} |
A ∩ B | intersection | objects that belong to set A and set B | A ∩ B = {9,14} |
A ∪ B | union | objects that belong to set A or set B | A ∪ B = {3,7,9,14,28} |
A ⊆ B | subset | subset has less elements or equal to the set | {9,14,28} ⊆ {9,14,28} |
A ⊂ B | proper subset / strict subset | subset has less elements than the set | {9,14} ⊂ {9,14,28} |
A ⊄ B | not subset | left set not a subset of right set | {9,66} ⊄ {9,14,28} |
A ⊇ B | superset | set A has more elements or equal to the set B | {9,14,28} ⊇ {9,14,28} |
A ⊃ B | proper superset / strict superset | set A has more elements than set B | {9,14,28} ⊃ {9,14} |
A ⊅ B | not superset | set A is not a superset of set B | {9,14,28} ⊅ {9,66} |
2A | power set | all subsets of A | |
Ƥ (A) | power set | all subsets of A | |
A = B | equality | both sets have the same members | A={3,9,14}, B={3,9,14}, A=B |
Ac | complement | all the objects that do not belong to set A | |
A \ B | relative complement | objects that belong to A and not to B | A={3,9,14}, B={1,2,3}, A-B={9,14} |
A - B | relative complement | objects that belong to A and not to B | A={3,9,14}, B={1,2,3}, A-B={9,14} |
A ∆ B | symmetric difference | objects that belong to A or B but not to their intersection | A={3,9,14}, B={1,2,3}, A ∆ B={1,2,9,14} |
A ⊖ B | symmetric difference | objects that belong to A or B but not to their intersection | A={3,9,14}, B={1,2,3}, A ⊖ B={1,2,9,14} |
a∈A | element of | set membership | A={3,9,14}, 3 ∈ A |
x∉A | not element of | no set membership | A={3,9,14}, 1 ∉ A |
(a,b) | ordered pair | collection of 2 elements | |
A×B | cartesian product | set of all ordered pairs from A and B | |
|A| | cardinality | the number of elements of set A | A={3,9,14}, |A|=3 |
#A | cardinality | the number of elements of set A | A={3,9,14}, #A=3 |
א | aleph | infinite cardinality | |
Ø | empty set | Ø = { } | C = {Ø} |
U | universal set | set of all possible values | |
ℕ0 | natural numbers set (with zero) | ℕ0 = {0,1,2,3,4,...} | 0 ∈ ℕ0 |
ℕ1 | natural numbers set (without zero) | ℕ1 = {1,2,3,4,5,...} | 6 ∈ ℕ1 |
ℤ | integer numbers set | ℤ = {...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...} | -6 ∈ ℤ |
ℚ | rational numbers set | ℚ = {x | x=a/b, a,b∈ℕ} | 2/6 ∈ ℚ |
ℝ | real numbers set | ℝ = {x | -∞ < x <∞} | 6.343434 ∈ ℝ |
ℂ | complex numbers set | ℂ = {z | z=a+bi, -∞<a<∞, -∞<b<∞} | 6+2i ∈ ℂ |
Logic symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
· | and | and |
· y
^ | caret / circumflex | and |
x ^ y
& | ampersand | and |
x & y
+ | plus | or |
x + y
∨ | reversed caret | or |
∨ y
| | vertical line | or |
x | y
x' | single quote | not - negation |
x | bar | not - negation |
¬ | not | not - negation |
¬ x
! | exclamation mark | not - negation |
! x
⊕ | circled plus / oplus | exclusive or - xor |
⊕ y
~ | tilde | negation |
~ x
⇒ | implies | ||
⇔ | equivalent | if and only if | |
∀ | for all | ||
∃ | there exists | ||
∄ | there does not exists | ||
∴ | therefore | ||
∵ | because / since |
Calculus & analysis symbols
Symbol | Symbol Name | Meaning / definition | Example |
limit | limit value of a function | |
ε | epsilon | represents a very small number, near zero |
ε → 0
e | e constant / Euler's number | e = 2.718281828... | e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞ |
y ' | derivative | derivative - Leibniz's notation | (3x3)' = 9x2 |
y '' | second derivative | derivative of derivative | (3x3)'' = 18x |
y(n) | nth derivative | n times derivation | (3x3)(3) = 18 |
derivative | derivative - Lagrange's notation | d(3x3)/dx = 9x2 |
second derivative | derivative of derivative | d2(3x3)/dx2 = 18x |
nth derivative | n times derivation | |
time derivative | derivative by time - Newton notation | |
time second derivative | derivative of derivative | |
partial derivative | ∂(x2+y2)/∂x = 2x | |
∫ | integral | opposite to derivation | |
∬ | double integral | integration of function of 2 variables | |
∭ | triple integral | integration of function of 3 variables | |
∮ | closed contour / line integral | ||
∯ | closed surface integral | ||
∰ | closed volume integral | ||
[a,b] | closed interval | [a,b] = {x | a ≤ x ≤ b} | |
(a,b) | open interval | (a,b) = {x | a < x < b} | |
i | imaginary unit | i ≡ √-1 | z = 3 + 2i |
z* | complex conjugate | z = a+bi → z*=a-bi | z* = 3 + 2i |
z | complex conjugate | z = a+bi → z = a-bi | z = 3 + 2i |
∇ | nabla / del | gradient / divergence operator | ∇f (x,y,z) |
vector | ||
unit vector | ||
x * y | convolution | y(t) = x(t) * h(t) | |
ℒ | Laplace transform | F(s) = ℒ{f (t)} | |
ℱ | Fourier transform | X(ω) = ℱ{f (t)} | |
δ | delta function |
Numeral symbols
Name | European | Roman | Hindu Arabic | Hebrew |
zero | 0 | ٠ | ||
one | 1 | I | ١ | א |
two | 2 | II | ٢ | ב |
three | 3 | III | ٣ | ג |
four | 4 | IV | ٤ | ד |
five | 5 | V | ٥ | ה |
six | 6 | VI | ٦ | ו |
seven | 7 | VII | ٧ | ז |
eight | 8 | VIII | ٨ | ח |
nine | 9 | IX | ٩ | ט |
ten | 10 | X | ١٠ | י |
eleven | 11 | XI | ١١ | יא |
twelve | 12 | XII | ١٢ | יב |
thirteen | 13 | XIII | ١٣ | יג |
fourteen | 14 | XIV | ١٤ | יד |
fifteen | 15 | XV | ١٥ | טו |
sixteen | 16 | XVI | ١٦ | טז |
seventeen | 17 | XVII | ١٧ | יז |
eighteen | 18 | XVIII | ١٨ | יח |
nineteen | 19 | XIX | ١٩ | יט |
twenty | 20 | XX | ٢٠ | כ |
thirty | 30 | XXX | ٣٠ | ל |
fourty | 40 | XL | ٤٠ | מ |
fifty | 50 | L | ٥٠ | נ |
sixty | 60 | LX | ٦٠ | ס |
seventy | 70 | LXX | ٧٠ | ע |
eighty | 80 | LXXX | ٨٠ | פ |
ninety | 90 | XC | ٩٠ | צ |
one hundred | 100 | C | ١٠٠ | ק |
Greek alphabet letters
Greek Symbol | Greek Letter Name | English Equivalent | Pronunciation | |
Upper Case | Lower Case | |||
Α | α | Alpha | a | al-fa |
Β | β | Beta | b | be-ta |
Γ | γ | Gamma | g | ga-ma |
Δ | δ | Delta | d | del-ta |
Ε | ε | Epsilon | e | ep-si-lon |
Ζ | ζ | Zeta | z | ze-ta |
Η | η | Eta | h | eh-ta |
Θ | θ | Theta | th | te-ta |
Ι | ι | Iota | i | io-ta |
Κ | κ | Kappa | k | ka-pa |
Λ | λ | Lambda | l | lam-da |
Μ | μ | Mu | m | m-yoo |
Ν | ν | Nu | n | noo |
Ξ | ξ | Xi | x | x-ee |
Ο | ο | Omicron | o | o-mee-c-ron |
Π | π | Pi | p | pa-yee |
Ρ | ρ | Rho | r | row |
Σ | σ | Sigma | s | sig-ma |
Τ | τ | Tau | t | ta-oo |
Υ | υ | Upsilon | u | oo-psi-lon |
Φ | φ | Phi | ph | f-ee |
Χ | χ | Chi | ch | kh-ee |
Ψ | ψ | Psi | ps | p-see |
Ω | ω | Omega | o | o-me-ga |
Roman numerals
Number | Roman numeral |
1 | I |
2 | II |
3 | III |
4 | IV |
5 | V |
6 | VI |
7 | VII |
8 | VIII |
9 | IX |
10 | X |
11 | XI |
12 | XII |
13 | XIII |
14 | XIV |
15 | XV |
16 | XVI |
17 | XVII |
18 | XVIII |
19 | XIX |
20 | XX |
30 | XXX |
40 | XL |
50 | L |
60 | LX |
70 | LXX |
80 | LXXX |
90 | XC |
100 | C |
200 | CC |
300 | CCC |
400 | CD |
500 | D |
600 | DC |
700 | DCC |
800 | DCCC |
900 | CM |
1000 | M |
5000 | V |
10000 | X |
50000 | L |
100000 | C |
500000 | D |
1000000 | M |
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