Rounding whole numbers is the process by which we make numbers look a little nicer.
Numbers that look nice in our mind are numbers that usually end with a zero such as 10, 30, 200.
Therefore, when rounding numbers, it usually means that you are going to try to put zero(s) at the end
Numbers can be rounded to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten-thousand, etc...
Rounded numbers are only approximates; they never give exact answers
Rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten
when rounding to the nearest ten, if the last digit ends with 1, 2, 3, or 4, round to the next number that is smaller than the number given and ending with a zero.
For instance, round 43 to the nearest ten.The last digit is 3, so the next number smaller than 43 with an ending of zero is 40
On the other hand, If the last digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round to the next number bigger than the given number and ending with zero
For instance, round 45 to the nearest ten. The last digit is 5, so the next number bigger than 45 and ending with zero is 50
Other examples
Round 23, 36, 55, and 99
For 23, the last digit is 3, so the answer is 20
For 36, the last digit is 6, so the answer is 40
For 55, the last digit is 5, so the answer is 60
For 99, the last digit is 9, so the answer is 100
Rounding to the nearest hundred
When rounding to the nearest hundred, you will need to look at the last two digits. If the last two digits is 49 or less round to the next number that is smaller than the number given and ending with two zeros.
For instance, round 549 to the nearest hundred.The last two digits is 49, so the next number smaller than 549 with an ending of two zeros is 500
On the other hand, If the last two digits is 50 or more, round to the next number bigger than the given number and ending with two zeros
For instance, round 865 to the nearest hundred. The last two digits is 65 and 65 is bigger than 50, so the next number bigger than 865 and ending with two zeros is 900
Other examples
Round 648, 121, 950, and 351
For 648, the last two digits is 48, so the answer is 600
For 121, the last two digits is 21, so the answer is 40
For 950, the last two digits is 50, so the answer is 1000
For 351, the last two digits is 51, so the answer is 400
Rounding whole numbers to the nearest thousand
When rounding to the nearest thousand, you will need to look at the last three digits. If the last three digits is 449 or less round to the next number that is smaller than the number given and ending with three zeros.
For instance, round 2437 to the nearest hundred.The last three digits is 437, so the next number smaller than 2437 with an ending of three zeros is 2000
On the other hand, If the last three digits is 500 or more, round to the next number bigger than the given number and ending with three zeros
For instance, round 7500 to the nearest thousand. The last three digits is 500, so the next number bigger than 7500 and ending with three zeros is 8000
Other examples
Round 1648, 1121, 3950, and 9351
For 1648, the last three digits is 648, so the answer is 2000
For 1121, the last three digits is 121, so the answer is 1000
For 3950, the last three digits is 950, so the answer is 4000
For 9351, the last three digits is 351, so the answer is 9000
When rounding whole numbers to a number smaller than the given number, we can also say that we are rounding down
When rounding whole numbers to a number bigger than the given number, we can also say that we are rounding up
Rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten-thousand
If the last 4 digits is bigger than 5000, round up. Otherwise, round down
Rounding to the nearest hundred-thousand
If the last 5 digits is bigger than 50000, round up. Otherwise, round down
Rounding to the nearest million
If the last 6 digits is bigger than 500000, round up. Otherwise, round down
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
Sukses dengan Astan Jaya Tuition Center
Muhammad Irfan bin Abdul Ghani
Pelajar SK IPGM Perlis, bermula di kelas 1 Wawasan lalu 2 Bestari dan Alhamdulillah sepanjang tahun 2011 berjaya mengukir prestasi sehingga naik ke kelas 3 Wawasan. Tahniah.
Mohammad Ashraf ,yang kini pelajar tahun 6 SK IPGM Perlis telah pun menamatkan pembelajaran Iqra' dan mula "memasuki' dunia Al Quran. Syabas dan teruskan usahamu untuk mendalami ilmu Al Quran.
Nadhirah, yang telah pun melepasi UPSR SK Sena Perlis 2011, syukur alhamdulilah telah khatam Al Quran pada 5 Januari 2012. Tahniah. Jangan jadikan ianya satu penamat.Gali lagi ilmu Al Quran selagi hayat di kandung badan. Semoga berjaya dunia akhirat.
Posing ceria selepas tuisyen (Ainin,Ainul, Izzah dan Auni). Alhamdulillah sepanjang tahun 2011 prestasi mereka meningkat . Paling membanggakan Nur Auni Maisarah (tudung kelabu) yang bermula di kelas 1 Bestari berjaya naik ke kelas 2 Wawasan. Tahniah dan syabas. Tetaplah bersemangat.
Mohammad Faid,pelajar Tahun 1 SK Syed Alwi Perlis,bermula dengan Iqra' 1 pada musim cuti sekolah 2011 sekarang sedang mempelajari iqra' 3.Sentiasa bersemangat dan tak sabar-sabar nak mengaji Iqra' 6 katanya. Syabas. Teruskan usahamu, semoga berjaya.
Friday, 6 January 2012
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