Saturday 9 March 2013

English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions beginning with "K"

Kangaroo court
When people take the law into their own hands and form courts that are not legal, these are known as kangaroo court.
Keen as mustard
(UK) If someone is very enthusiastic, they are as keen as mustard.
Keep a straight face
If you keep a straight face,  look serious and do not laugh even though you want to.
Keep abreast
If you keep abreast of things, you stay informed about developments.
Keep an eye out
If you keeep an eye out for something, you are watching carefully to see if it happens.
Keep at bay
If you keep someone or something at bay, you maintain a safe distance from them.
Keep body and soul together
If you earn enough to cover your basic expenses, but nothing more than that, you earn enough to keep body and soul together.
Keep in touch
If you keep in touch with someone, you keep communicating with them even though you may live far apart.
Keep it on the Q T
If you keep something on the Q T, you keep it quiet or secret.('Q-T' is also used.)
Keep it under your hat
If you keep something under your hat, you keep it secret.
Keep mum
If you keep mum about something, you keep quiet and don't tell anyone.
Keep posted
If you keep posted about something, you keep up-to-date with information and developments.
Keep someone at arm's length
If you keep someone or something at arm's length, you keep a safe distance away from them.
Keep someone on their toes
If you keep someone on their toes, you make sure that they concentrate on what they are supposed to do.
Keep tabs on someone
If you keep tabs on someone, you check, watch and keep a close eye on what they are doing.
Keep the wolf at bay
If you keep the wolf at bay, you make enough money to avoid going hungry or falling heavily into debt.
Keep the wolf from the door
If you keep the wolf from the door, you have enough money for food and the basic essentials.
Keep up with the Joneses
People who try to keep up with the Joneses are competitive about material possessions and always try to have the latest and best things.
Keep your chin up
(UK) This expression is used to tell someone to have confidence.
Keep your cool
If you keep your cool, you don't get excessively excited or disturbed in a bad situation.
Keep your ear to the ground
If you keep your ear to the ground, you try to keep informed about something, especially if there are rumours or uncertainties.
Keep your eye on the ball
If you keep your eye on the ball, you stay alert and pay close attention to what is happening.
Keep your eye on the prize
This means that you should keep your focus on achieving a positive end result.
Keep your eyes peeled
If you keep your eyes peeled, you stay alert or watchful.
Keep your fingers crossed
If you are keeping your fingers crossed, you are hoping for a positive outcome.
Keep your hair on
Keep your hair on is advice telling someone to keep calm and not to over-react or get angry.
Keep your head
If you keep your head, you stay calm in times of difficulty.
Keep your head above water
If you are just managing to survive financially, you are keeping your head above water.
Keep your nose clean
If someone is trying to keep their Nose Clean, they are trying to stay out of trouble by not getting involved in any sort of wrong-doing.
Keep your nose to the grindstone
If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you work hard and seriously.
Keep your options open
If someone's keeping their options open, they aren't going to restrict themselves or rule out any possible course of action.
Keep your pants on
If someone tells you to keep your pants on, they mean that you should be patient and not make them rush.
Keep your pecker up
If someone tells you to keep your pecker up, they are telling you not to let your problems get on top of you and to try to be optimistic.
Keep your powder dry
If you keep your powder dry, you act cautiously so as not to damage your chances.
Keep your shirt on!
This idiom is used to tell someone to calm down.
Keep your wig on!
(UK) This idiom is used to tell someone to calm down.
Kettle of fish
A pretty or fine kettle of fish is a difficult problem or situation.
Kick a habit
If you kick a habit, you stop doing it.
Kick away the ladder
If someone kicks away the ladder, they remove something that was supporting or helping someone.
Kick in the teeth
Bad news or a sudden disappointment are a kick in the teeth.
Kick into gear
If  something kicks into gear, it gets going or started.
Kick over the traces
Kicking over the traces is wild rebellious behaviour or being out of control. It comes from when a horse in harness got a rear leg over the traces, which attach it to the vehicle, it started pulling and became uncontrollable.
Kick something into the long grass
If an issue or problem is kicked into the long grass, it is pushed aside and hidden in the hope that it will be forgotten or ignored.
Kick the ballistics
It means you realise the intensity of a situation. For example, there is too much unemployment now, so the prime minister must kick the ballistics and change his policy.
Kick the bucket
When someone kicks the bucket, they die.
Kick the can down the road
If you  kick the can down the road, you delay a decision in hopes that the problem or issue will go away or somebody else will make the decision later.
Kick up a stink
If you kick up a stink, you display anger about something.
Kick up your heels
(USA) If you kick up your heels, you go to parties or celebrate something.
Kick your heels
(UK) If you have to kick your heels, you are forced to wait for the result or outcome of something.
Kicked to touch
Touch is a zone of the playing field in Rugby. Kicked to touch means the ball was put safely out of play. Idiomatic usage usually means a person has deftly avoided an issue in argument.

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